Making a donation
Thank you for considering making a donation to Petersgate. Donations help us to offer affordable, professional counselling to people in need.
To make a donation please choose one of the following options:
Deposit your donation directly into our bank account:
Westpac 03 0830 0280160 000. Please include your name and the word "Donation" in the reference details section of your internet banking.
Post your donation to: Petersgate Counselling Centre
PO Box 6088
Christchurch 8442
Telephone 03 343 3391 to request a bank deposit slip, or if you would like to become a regular supporter we will send you an Automatic Payment form and a reply paid envelope. Our regular supporters, the Friends of Petersgate, now number nearly 200 and they make a very important contribution to our income each year.
Receipts will be issued annually for tax rebate purposes for donations over $5.00. If you would like a receipt please advise us of your name and address by phoning 03 343 3391or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Remembering Petersgate in your will is a wonderful way of helping us care for people in need. Making such a gift available for our general purposes is a discreet and thoughtful way of supporting the work we do.
With your support we will continue to make a positive difference in the lives of so many people and we thank you in anticipation.
How you can support us
The work we do at Petersgate is critical for the wellbeing of the whole community.
With no government contracts we rely on grants and donations to continue our work.
Did you know that you can claim a tax credit for donations over $5.00 made to us?
To show your support, you can make a donation in the following ways:
Via Internet Banking
Petersgate Trust
Westpac 03 0830 0280160 00
Please make a reference in the available fields of your name and contact daytime phone number etc. Then please also contact our office This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to provide your details so that we can send you a receipt.
A bequest is a special way to remember your family or friends or a charity in your will. After you have acknowledged those close to you, please consider also remembering Petersgate Counselling Centre. Your legacy will ensure that our organisation can continue to make a real difference in the lives of our clients into the future. We strongly recommend that your will is drawn up by your legal advisor so that your wishes are carried out exactly as you intended.
In Memoriam/ In Lieu of Flowers
This is a very special way in which to remember your loved one. You may wish to invite friends and family to honour your loved ones memory by making a donation to Petersgate Counselling Centre in lieu of flowers. The Funeral Director can organise to send through the donations to us via our postal address. Receipts along with a letter of thanks will be sent to donors who provide their name and address details. A list of names and addresses and a total amount (not the individual donation amounts) is sent to the family when all donations have come in so the family can send their own thanks.
Major Gifts
At Petersgate Counselling Centre we appreciate every gift to us no matter the amount. Major Gifts however enable us to fund larger or ongoing projects with more certainty.